After Install is complete, perform the following steps to run the desired NetoFuse module(s):

1. Set Netography Fusion API Credentials

NetoFuse requires a Netography Fusion API key to upload context labels to Fusion. Instructions for creating a new API key are available at Create a Netography API Key.

You can edit the netofuse.yml configuration file to set values, or set them in an environment settings file, or as environment variables.

Setting API credentials in an environment settings file

If you used the Docker host setup script to install NetoFuse, you can create an environment settings file with these variable names by running:

grep NETO__API__ /etc/netofuse/netofuse.env.template >> /etc/netofuse/.netofuse.env

Then, use a text editor to set the correct values in /etc/netofuse/.netofuse.env

If you are using the Python package, you can accomplish the same thing by running:

netofuse init --envfile netofuse.env.template

grep NETO__API__ netofuse.env.template >> .netofuse.env

The environment variables to set are:

Environment VariableFieldNotes
NETO__API__URLURL to the Netography API.For most customers, this should be set to
NETO__API__SHORTNAMENetography Fusion account nameThis is listed under your name in the top right of the Netography Portal when logged in.
NETO__API__APP_NAMEAPI application nameThis is set when creating the API key in Fusion.
NETO__API__CREDENTIALS__SHARED_SECRETAPI shared secretRetrieve this when creating the API key in Fusion.
NETO__API__CREDENTIALS__APP_KEYAPI app keyRetrieve this when creating the API key in Fusion.

This corresponds to the following YAML settings:


Passing environment settings to the container

Environment variables that start with NETO__ on the Docker host will be automatically passed to the container image when using the Docker run script. You can disable this by commenting out the lineNETO__DOCKER__ENV=Truein the run script.

Environment variables override environment settings in a file. Environment settings in a file override the YAML configuration file settings.

Testing your Netography Fusion API credentials

Run this command to test that your API credentials are functioning:

netofuse verify api

2. Set NetoFuse Module Credentials

Each NetoFuse module has a unique set of fields required to identify the correct API endpoint and credentials to retrieve asset information. Go to the module in the NetoFuse Modules section and set the required fields.

3. Run NetoFuse

Use the verify command to check the configuration settings and ensure the permissions work. The module name should be added as an argument.

Use the run command to run the module. The module name(s) should be added as an argument.

netofuse verify device42

netofuse run device42

4. Edit Additional Configuration Settings (optional)

If you need to modify any of the default configuration settings, the Configure section provides instructions on how to save, modify, and pass a configuration file to NetoFuse. This is not required for a default configuration.

5. Setup a Schedule

Once the NetoFuse module(s) you are using is running successfully and you have verified it is working, you should configure your system to run NetoFuse periodically. Go to the Scheduling page for this next step.