Copy a Widget


This guide explains how to copy widgets within Fusion to either the current dashboard or another dashboard. Copying widgets is a quick and efficient way to replicate useful visualizations, metrics, or layouts across multiple dashboards without starting from scratch.

By understanding how to copy widgets effectively, you can:

  • Streamline dashboard creation by reusing existing widgets.
  • Maintain consistency in visualizations across different dashboards.
  • Save time when setting up dashboards for different teams or use cases.



You must have a destination dashboard for your copied widget, otherwise, you must create a new dashboard first.

Getting Here

To copy a widget embedded in a dashboard, use must first Edit the dashboard.

To edit a dashboard, use the following steps.


There is no SAVE button or UNDO option.

Changes made to dashboards in edit mode take effect immediately.

  1. From the main menu, navigate to Dashboards > All.
  2. Click the row options icon at the beginning of the row that includes the custom dashboard.
  3. Click Edit.
    At the top of the page, an unlock button displays, indicating the dashboard is in Edit mode. You can click this button to exit edit mode.

Copy a Widget

  1. To copy a widget, hover over the right corner of the widget container; a menu of icons appears.
  2. Click the copy (4) ( ) icon.
    The Copy [widget type] page displays.
  3. From the drop-down menu,click the name of the dashboard to copy the widget to.
    The a copied version of the widget will display with its next sequential number.
  4. If you opt not to copy the widget, click Cancel or the x in the upper right corner.