
The Netography Query Language (NQL) is the basis for accomplishing many tasks.

  • Searching for flows, events (alerts), audits, or block records
  • Filtering statistics and aggregations
  • Defining custom Detection Models (algorithms) to create an event (alert) on

Becoming familiar with the Netography Query Language will make the most out of the service. These generic rules apply regardless of where in the service you leverage the query language


Using the Netography Query Language is much like writing a programming conditional
inside an if ( ) statement.  The statement should be constructed logically, from left to right, comparing fields to values. 


In the Portal, NQL can be used on the Search pages, as part of the Global Filters, or defining Widgets inside custom dashboards.

For API requests, if the search parameter is provided, (its value being your NQL condition), then only records that match the search: "NQL string" condition will be returned.

Examples (flow context):

IP Reputation Violatorssrciprep.count > 0 OR dstiprep.count > 0
Only Privileged Portsdstport < 1024
Not Broadcast IPsdstip !=
TCP Ports Scantcpflags.syn == true and tcpflags.ack == true and srcport > 1024

For additional examples see NQL Examples, or watch the Video walkthroughs NQL video.

Rules and limitations

  • Logic must be unambiguous. e.g. A && B || C will fail. Use parens to prevent ambiguity.
  • NQL accepts nested parentheses. For example, ((this) || (that)) && other is a valid NQL statement.  However this can be considered hard to read, so it is suggested to reduce the use of parentheses when possible, e.g. (this || that) && other.
  • IP fields can be searched with CIDR notation if desired. For example, will match
  • Only integer fields can use numerical comparisons. < <= > >=
  • Strings with spaces must be quoted with single quotes.
  • Allowed Boolean operators are: && AND and|| OR or, and !
  • Allowed numerical operators are: == != < <= > >=
  • Operators must be surrounded by spaces e.g. srcip == is valid, while srcip== is not valid.
  • Whitespace is not optional in NQL. For example, input==1 is invalid, but input == 1 is valid, since the NQL parser will not parse the first example if the whitespace is missing.


&&, and, ANDa logical ANDthis && that
||, or, ORa logical ORthis || that
!NOT. Must precede expressions in parenthesis!(srcip ==
!=not equals
<=less than or equals to
<=less than
>=greater than or equals to
>greater than