Detection Model Quick Reference Guide

GeneralGeneral configuration
NameUnique namenetbiosreflect
DescriptionText descriptionNetbios reflection attack
CategoriesDetection categoriest1498
Traffic TypeTraffic to apply to -Flow or DNSFlow
Enable Detection ModelIs it activeEnabled
Enable Policies and IntegrationsIf disabled, response policies and response integrations will not be executed when an event is generatedEnabled
Traffic MatchDefines what traffic this detection model is applied to
NQL Search > Search AgainstFlow (aws, azure, gcp, ibm, oracle, netflow, sflow) or DNS (aws, gcp) traffic type to apply corresponding NQL Expression to. all will be used for all Flow or DNS types except those specified in a separate rowall
NQL Search > NQL ExpressionThe NQL to use to filter the traffic included in this Detection Modelprotocol == udp && srcport == 137
DiscardsExclude traffic that would otherwise match the NQL Expression defined in NQL Search.srcip ==
ThresholdsDefines the thresholds configuration used to trigger a Detection Model
Track By FieldsFields to aggregate metrics bydstip
Thresholds > SeverityThe severity of the event to generate when the corresponding threshold is metHigh
Thresholds > ThresholdNQL to evaluate to determine when an event of the corresponding severity is generatedavg(bitsxrate) >= 20000000
Rollup PeriodThe time period, in seconds, from the most recent traffic record looking backwards to include when calculating metrics for thresholds. Valid values are between 15 to 3600 (1 hour).300
Update IntervalFrequency to generate ongoing event updates while a Detection Model threshold continues to be true. Valid values are between 1 to 21600 (6 hours). A value of 0 disables updates.300
Auto ThresholdingUtilize machine learning to automatically set threshold values based on learning normal traffic
Auto ThresholdingEnable/Disable the use of auto thresholdingDisabled
StrategyHow the default threshold value is calculated.
max - the maximum of values that have been calculated for the different trackbys
average - the average of the values calculated for the different trackbys
CadenceHow specific a time period the threshold override applies to.
Daily - Specific hour each day
Weekly - Specific hour on a specific day of the week
Monthly - Specific hour on a specific day of the month
Learning WindowThe period, in hours, over which values are aggregated for Track By aggregations. Valid values are between 1 to 241 hour
LookbackHow many previous days are used to aggregate data90 Days
Advanced Auto Thresholding Options
Force OverrideDisabled (default): Generates threshold overrides for Values at least 10% greater than the baseline
Enabled: Generates threshold overrides for Values at least 10% greater OR 10% lower than the baseline
Sigma ValuesThe number of standard deviations to use when calculating thresholds for each severityLow 1.0
Medium 2.0
High 3.0
ScoringScoring to understand relative threat and confidence in the accuracy of the Detection Model. Not applicable to Context Models
Threat ScoreNumeric value between 0-100 representing the relative threat35
Confidence ScoreNumeric value between 0-100 representing the relative confidence95
LabelsOnly applicable to Context Models
Context LabelsContext name and one or more label values to add to the srcip or dstip when a context model triggers
ExpirationA numeric value between 60 and 86400 (24 hours). The context label(s) created will be removed once it expires.84600