Delete Widget

Getting Here

To delete a widget embedded in a dashboard, use must first Edit the dashboard.

To edit a dashboard, use the following steps.


There is no SAVE button or UNDO option.

Changes made to dashboards in edit mode take effect immediately.

  1. From the main menu, navigate to Dashboards > All.
  2. Click the row options icon at the beginning of the row that includes the custom dashboard.
  3. Click Edit.
    At the top of the page, an unlock button displays, indicating the dashboard is in Edit mode. You can click this button to exit edit mode.

Delete a Widget

To delete a widget, hover over the right corner of the widget container; a menu of icons appears.

  1. Click the trash can (3) ( ) icon.
    A warning dialog box appears.

  2. Click Delete to permanentntly delete the widget, otherwise click CANCEL.