Before you have added a traffic source to Fusion, the home page will display a screen with instructions on how to add your first traffic source. Once you have added a traffic source, it will change to the system Homepage dashboard. The homepage dashboard provides a high-level overview of network traffic and allows users to monitor key metrics.
The Home screen is a dashboard and can itself be changed
You can set a new dashboard to be Your Homepage or Your Company Homepage by clicking the ⋯ next to the name of the dashboard and selecting Set as Your Homepage or (if you are administrator) Set as Company Homepage.
Total Traffic by Destination IP
This area chart widget displays the top 20 results of total traffic by destination IP (dstip). Users can interact with the chart in the following ways:
- Click on each label or IP value at the bottom of the chart to bring up a properties tray. This tray provides further information and allows users to drill down into the details of each specific IP.
Top 5 Total Traffic by Destination Port
This table shows the top 5 total traffic by destination port (dstport). The table includes the following fields for filtering options:
- Destination TCP/UDP port of a flow recordlabel.port.name.dst
- Port labels for the protocol "name" when the IP is a destination addressbits
- the amount of bits transferred in a record flow
Select a New Dashboard
Users can choose to display a system or custom dashboard by selecting it from the Select dashboard dropdown menu located in the top right corner of the Home Screen. Once a dashboard is selected, the user will be taken to the target dashboard. This is often a shortcut for getting to a new dashboard rather than navigating back to the All dashboards list.
Updated 3 months ago