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Customers Page

The Customers Page provides an overview of accounts with their respective details, including sub-accounts or resellers. The table includes essential information such as status, data retention, traffic sources, and more.

Table Overview

OrganizationResellerTypeStatusIngest IP & PortData RetentionRollup Retention# Traffic SourcesFlows/Second
Flow and More MetricsnetographySLGActive34.231.105.19:23467701
Big Bright NetworksnetographySLGTrial Active34.231.105.19:24667700
Streamlined Technologies and SystemsnetographySLGActive34.231.105.19:20021803651616

Table Fields Explained

  • Organization: The name of the company or sub-account.
  • Reseller: The associated reseller for the organization (if applicable).
  • Type: Type of the account, such as SLG or MSSP.
  • Status: The current status of the account:
    • Active: Fully operational account.
    • Trial Active: Account in a trial phase.
  • Ingest IP & Port: IP address and port used for data ingestion.
  • Data Retention: Number of days data is retained.
  • Rollup Retention: Number of days rolled-up data is retained.
  • # Traffic Sources: Number of sources contributing to the traffic flow.
  • Flows/Second: The rate of flows per second.