NQL Presets
Using NQL Presets
If you click the text box in the Global Filter ((the bar at the top of the Portal), it brings up a list of Keywords (see: How to find available NQL fields , Recent Queries, and Presets. Select Presets to see a list of NQL Presets provided by Netography (System), other users in your account (Company), and your own (My). Select a preset to have it populated in the Global Filter, and then click UPDATE to apply.
Company Presets
All NQL Presets are shared across all users in your Fusion account
You can not keep a NQL Preset private from other users in your Fusion account, so only create presets for NQL queries that you are comfortable sharing with other users of Fusion in your organization.
When you create an NQL Preset, it is listed under My Presets.
When anyone else at your company creates an NQL Preset, it appears in all other users in your account under Company Presets.
There are no actions to create a Company Preset separately from this behavior.
Search for a preset
The empty text box that appears above the preset list after clicking the text box is a search for presets - start typing in that box to filter the list of presets to find the one you are looking for quickly.
Save NQL to My Presets
Save the NQL from the global filter to My Presets by clicking the SAVE PRESET button that appears after entering a new NQL query. This will pop-up a dialog box where you can give the NQL query a name.
Duplicate, Edit, and Delete Presets
In the Global Filter:
- Hover over a preset, and 3 icons will appear on the right-hand side of the preset row. These icons allow you to edit, duplicate, or delete a preset. Only the icons you have permission to perform the actions of will appear (eg you will not see the delete icon on a System Preset).
- You can also manage NQL Presets on the Settings > Detect & Respond > NQL Presets page.
Updated 4 months ago