Create a storage account

Access Azure Cloud Shell to run CLI commands from your web browser using az.

Create a Storage account in the same region as your Virtual Network.

  1. List your Virtual Networks, their Resource groups, and Regions.
az network vnet list --query "[].{Name:name, Region:location, ResourceGroup:resourceGroup, AddressSpace:addressSpace.addressPrefixes[0], ProvisioningState:provisioningState, SubscriptionId:id}" --output table

  1. Set some environment variables for the Resource Group, Region and Virtual Network you want to send flow from to make cutting and pasting the commands from the instructions in this document a little easier.
REGION=     # Region of your Virtual Network, example: REGION=eastus
VNET=       # The Virtual Network name, example: VNET=ProductionA1
RGRP=       # The Resource Group of your Virtual Network, example: RGRP=PROD

  1. Create a Storage account in the same Region as your Virtual Network you want to add to Netography Fusion.
az storage account create \
    --name <storage-account-name> \
    --resource-group $RGRP \
    --location $REGION> \
    --sku Standard_LRS \
    --kind StorageV2 \
    --allow-shared-key-access true

NameChoose any name for your storage account
Resource groupYour Virtual Network Resource Group
LocationYour Virtual Network Region
SkuRedundancy is set to locally redundant storage, Standard_LRS
KindStandard general purpose, StorageV2
Allow-shared-key-accessCreate an access key that allows Netography Fusion to create your flow logs, True

  1. View your newly created Storage account.
az storage account list --query "[].{Name:name, ResourceGroup:resourceGroup}" --output table