Getting Here
Settings > My Profile > Details
The Details page under the "My Profile" category displays and allows editing of user-specific information, including contact details, account role, and login history.
Page Overview
Top Information Bar
The top section displays key account information:
- Member Since: The date the user account was created.
- Last Login IP: The IP address from which the user last logged in.
- Last Login: The date and time of the user's most recent login.
Profile Details
Profile Avatar
- Description: Displays a circle with the user's initials.
- Badge: Shows the user role in a tag format (e.g., ADMIN).
- Description: Displays the user's email address.
- Example:
[email protected]
Editable Fields
The following fields can be updated:
First Name*
- Description: The user's first name.
- Example:
- Required: Yes
Last Name*
- Description: The user's last name.
- Example:
- Required: Yes
- Description: An optional nickname for the user.
- Required: No
Phone Number
- Description: Enter the user's phone number.
- Options: Includes a dropdown to select the country flag/phone code.
- Required: No
Job Title
- Description: The user's professional title or position.
- Required: No
Picture URL
- Description: Input a URL to link to a custom profile picture.
- Required: No
- Save Button: Click to save any changes made to the user's profile.
- Reset Button: Click to reset the form to its previous state.
- Delete User Button: Click to delete the user profile.
- Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
- User role (e.g., ADMIN) is displayed below the profile avatar and cannot be modified from this page.
- Member Since and Login Information are non-editable fields that provide context for user account activity.
Updated about 2 months ago