Create a Netography API Key

To authenticate to the API, you need to create a new API key and then save the netosecret field displayed when saving the API key.

netosecret is a base64 encoded string that contains the fields in the table below. These fields are also available directly from the Fusion Portal when creating a new API key (you may want to do that if you are using an API client that does not yet support netosecret, and do not want to decode netosecret yourself).

To decode netosecret into a JSON object containing these key:value pairs, see Decoding netosecret.

Fieldnetosecret fieldRetrieving value from Netography Portal
Application NameappnameAccount Settings > API Keys > Add API Key > Save
appkeyappkeyAccount Settings > API Keys > Add API Key > Save
API shared secretsharedsecretAccount Settings > API Keys > API Shared Secret
shortnameshortnameAccount Settings > Overview
API URLurlAlways use this value:

Simple option: Add an API key and copy netosecret value

  1. In the Netography portal, select Settings at the bottom of the left-hand navigation menu to go to Account Settings.
  2. Select API Keys tab, then select the Add API Key button.
  3. Complete the fields and click Save.
  4. Save the netoseceret value that is displayed. You won't be able to retrieve this later.

Multiple field option: Add an API key and copy appname, appkey, shortname, and sharedsecret values

  1. In the Netography portal, select Settings at the bottom of the left-hand navigation menu to go to Account Settings.
  2. Select API Keys tab, then select the Add API Key button.
  3. Complete the fields and click Save.
  4. Save the appnameand appkey, as you won't be able to retrieve the appkey later. If necessary, you can generate a new one.

Retrieve the sharedsecret

  1. In the Netography portal, select the gear icon at the top of the screen to the right of your name to go to Account Settings.
  2. Select API Keys tab, then select the API Shared Secret button.

Retrieve the shortname

shortname is the name of the account you are using. This is available under your name in the top left corner of the Netography Fusion portal or it is the first field at the top of the page when you click Settings at the bottom of the left-hand menu bar.

If you have sub-accounts, you can create an API key of the parent account and use the shortname to access each sub-account with that one key.