Amazon Web Services

Enrich asset context with asset information from AWS

About the AWS Context Integration

This context integration adds asset information retrieved from AWS as context labels in Netography Fusion.

AWS Configuration


Choosing between IAM Role and IAM User authentication

Netography supports 2 methods for authentication with AWS:

  1. IAM Roles using a Custom Trust Policy created by Netography
  2. IAM user via an Access Key ID & Secret Access Key

Netography and AWS recommend using IAM Role authentication for a production deployment.

For more details, see: AWS > Documentation > AWS Identity and Access Management > User Guide > Security best practices in IAM > Require workloads to use temporary credentials with IAM roles to access AWS

If you have already created an AWS IAM role

You can use the same IAM role you previously configured for collecting VPC Flow Logs. If you already configured Flow Collection for your AWS environment and used a permission policy that includes AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess, no additional AWS configuration is needed. Use the sameARN, and skip to the Netography Fusion Configuration section.

If you have an existing AWS IAM Role but it does not have the permissions set or you want to verify the proper permissions, see the Permission Policy section below.

Creating AWS IAM Role (recommended authentication option)

To use IAM role authentication for Netography Fusion, first you will go to the Netography Fusion Portal and gather the required fields, and then you will go to AWS and create the IAM role.

Retrieve AWS Custom Trust Policy fields from the Netography Fusion Portal

In the Netography Fusion Portal, go to Account Settings by clicking the gear icon in top-right corner, scroll down to the AWS Custom Trust Policy section, and retrieve the Account ID, sts:ExternalID, and Trust Policy values.

Field from Netography Fusion Account SettingsDescription
AWS Custom Trust Policy > Account IDNetography AWS Account ID used for integration
AWS Custom Trust Policy > External IDNetography issued field used for AWS role creation
AWS Custom Trust Policy > Trust PolicyNetography Trust Policy used for AWS role creation

Create a new AWS IAM Role

In AWS, you will create a new IAM role that will delegate access to Netography using the fields you gathered in the previous step. In addition to those fields, you will need to assign the IAM Role a permission policy.

Permission Policy

AWS Permissions Policy Required

The AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess permission policy required for only the AWS context integration is listed below. If you have an existing IAM role permission policy, add these statements to it to make it compatible with the AWS context integration (instructions for editing this policy are available at AWS > Documentation > AWS Identity and Access Management > User Guide > Editing customer managed policies (console).

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "ec2:Describe*",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor2",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "elasticloadbalancing:Describe*",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor3",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor4",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "autoscaling:Describe*",
            "Resource": "*"

How to create a new AWS IAM Role

For instructions on creating an IAM role in AWS using a custom trust policy, refer to AWS > Documentation > AWS Identity and Access Management > User Guide > Creating a role using custom trust policies

For more information on configuring the permissions to the Account ID, refer to AWS > Documentation > AWS Identity and Access Management > User Guide > How to use an external ID when granting access to your AWS resources to a third party.

Copy the ARN for the newly created IAM Role

The ARN for the new IAM role you created will be needed in the next step when adding the AWS context integration to Netography Fusion.

IAM Role Field RequiredDescription
ARNThe identifier for the IAM role you retrieve from AWS when creating the role.

AWS IAM user authentication (alternative authentication option)


Skip this section if you are using AWS IAM role authentication

AWS IAM user authentication with an Access Key ID and Access Secret is an alternative approach to using a AWS IAM role. If you are using the AWS IAM role, skip this entirely and go to the Netography Fusion Configuration next.

The instructions below assume that you have not already created an IAM user as part of Flow Collection setup. If you have already created that role and it includes the AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess permission, skip to the Netography Fusion Configuration section.

You must have an IAM user with an already configured programmatic access key or create one to use IAM user authentication.

Minimum Required Permissions

To configure the integration with this authentication method, the following AWS IAM user fields are required:

AWS ParametersDescription
Access Key IDAuthentication field, available in AWS IAM console for IAM user
Access SecretAuthentication secret, available in AWS IAM console for IAM user

Netography Fusion Configuration

Add the context integration

In the Netography Fusion Portal:

  1. Go to the Setup section on the left-hand navigation menu and select Integrations.
  2. Select Context Integrations in the tab on the Integrations page.
  3. Select the Add Integration button.
  4. Select Amazon Web Services.

Configure the context integration

  1. Fill out the standard fields required for each context integration:
NameA unique name to identify this instance of the integration (e.g. aws1)
Update IntervalHow frequently to retrieve updated information from AWS in seconds
Auto UpdateEnable to retrieve updated information automatically at the frequency set by the Update Interval
If disabled, the integration can be run manually from the list of configured integrations menu by selecting the ... next to the name of the integration and then selecting Run
  1. Enter the configuration parameters specific to AWS.
RegionyesRegion is the AWS region to pull data‑east‑1
Tag/Label MatchesTag/Label matches represent the names of tags you use within the cloud provide, i.e, a user might choose to tag all of their web servers with a tag subsystem that has a value of web.database
  1. Enter the authentication information based on the authentication method you configured in AWS.

If you are using AWS IAM role authentication, configure AWS ARN for role

  1. Select Role for the Authentication Type field, and then enter the AWS ARN for the IAM Role you created in the previous step (or during Flow Collection setup for AWS).

If you are using AWS user authentication, configure Access Key ID and Access Secret


Skip this section if you are using AWS IAM role authentication

  1. Select Key/Secret for the Authentication Type field, and then enter the Access Key ID and Access Key Secret fields from the AWS Configuration step (or from the Flow Collection setup for AWS).

  1. Select Create and Run to save the integration.