

File locations

These instructions assume files are in the following locations, but you can change this by adjusting the scripts and commands accordingly:

/etc/netofuse/netofuse.yml Configuration file

/usr/local/bin/ Script to be run by cron job

/usr/local/bin/ Script to be run inside container (if applicable)

Scheduling NetoFuse with Cron

Schedule NetoFuse to run by creating a cron job on your Linux system. If running multiple modules, you can create a shell script that executes NetoFuse multiple times from a single cron job.

For example, to run integrations daily at 2:00am:

  1. Make a script to contain the netofuse commands to execute if you are running more than a single module:


/usr/local/bin/netofuse run claroty
/usr/local/bin/netofuse run axonius

Set correct permissions for this script to be executable: chmod 700 /usr/local/bin/

  1. Add the run script to cron

run crontab -e and add the following line:

0 2 * * * /usr/local/bin/

A handy website for finding the right cron syntax: