Getting Here

Settings > User Management > API Keys

User Management - API Keys

The API Keys page under User Management allows you to view, manage, and create API keys for system integrations, access control, and automation.

Getting Here

Navigate to:
Settings > User Management > API Keys

Page Overview

Top Action Buttons


    • Description: Initiates the creation of a new API key.
    • Behavior: Opens a form to define API key details, including roles and permissions.

    • Description: Allows retrieval or creation of a shared secret for API integrations.

API Keys Table

The table provides an overview of all API keys and their details. The table contains the following columns:

Name / DescThe name or description of the API key. Includes additional details such as its purpose or usage context.
RoleThe role associated with the API key, defining its permissions. Possible values: ADMIN or READONLY.
Last LoginThe last recorded use of the API key. If never used, displays Never.

Example Table Output

Name / DescRoleLast Login
tcross_roREADONLY2024-07-29 18:59:11
srdknADMIN2024-12-12 19:51:30
rharman_automation_roREADONLY2024-12-16 13:00:02
productreportREADONLY2024-12-09 16:21:36
djm_dashADMIN2024-09-27 20:02:11
chris_roREADONLY2024-01-08 23:07:29
accountdADMIN2024-12-16 19:47:38

Table Features

  1. Name / Desc

    • Displays the API key name, with a description or usage notes.
  2. Role

    • Defines access permissions:
      • ADMIN: Full administrative privileges.
      • READONLY: Limited to read-only actions.
  3. Last Login

    • Shows the most recent date and time the API key was used.
    • If the key has not been used, Never is displayed.


  • Add API Key: Use this to create and configure new API keys.
  • View Shared Secret: Access or configure the shared API secret.


  • Regularly review API keys to ensure unused keys are deleted and active keys have appropriate roles.
  • API keys with ADMIN permissions should be used cautiously to prevent unintended access.
  • Monitor the Last Login column to identify and clean up inactive or unused API keys.

The API Keys Page enables secure and efficient management of API credentials, providing clear visibility into roles, usage, and access control.