Manage Customers
Masquerade (Login-to) Customer
Getting Here
Settings > Customers > Customer Row
With proper priviledges, you can masquerade as another customer.
Depending on your permissions, masquerading allows you to use or modify settings of another Fusion customer.
To masquerade:
- Click the ellipse (3 dots) icon at the beginning of the row customer row you want to masquerade.
- Click Login To.
While you are masquerading as customer, a red line displays at the top of the Fusion screen and will remain visible until you stop masquerading.
To stop masquerading, swich back to your default company from the upper left corner.
Add Customer
Getting Here
Settings > Customers > Add Customer
Add Customer Form
The Add Customer form allows you to create a new customer account. This form requires several mandatory inputs and optional settings to configure the account correctly.
Form Fields
- Description: Enter the email address of the customer.
- Required: Yes
Given Name*
- Description: Enter the customer's first name.
- Required: Yes
Family Name*
- Description: Enter the customer's last name.
- Required: Yes
- Description: Enter the name of the organization for the customer.
- Required: Yes
- Description: A short identifier for the customer.
- Validation: Length must be between 5-16 characters and comply with RFC 3986 (excluding the "+" character).
- Required: Yes
- Description: Select the type of customer account.
- Options:
- Required: Yes
- Description: Define the status of the customer account.
- Options:
- Active
- Trial Active
- Required: Yes
Contractual Flows per Second
- Description: Input the agreed-upon flow rate per second for the customer.
- Required: No
Multi Account Toggle
- Description: Enable this if the customer will have multiple accounts.
- Options: On/Off
Internal Toggle
- Description: Enable this for internal accounts.
- Options: On/Off
Data Retention*
- Description: Set the data retention period for the customer.
- Options:
- 7 days
- 45 days
- 90 days
- 180 days
- Required: Yes
Rollup Retention*
- Description: Set the rollup retention period for the customer's aggregated data.
- Options:
- 7 days
- 90 days
- 180 days
- 365 days
- Required: Yes
Form Actions
- SAVE: Saves the customer details and creates the new account.
- CANCEL: Discards the input and closes the form without saving.
- Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
- Ensure the Shortname follows RFC 3986 validation rules.
- Toggle options (
Multi Account
) are optional configurations.
Edit Customer
Updated about 12 hours ago