The messaging_disqus NDM is designed to detect the usage of Disqus on the network. Disqus is a third-party commenting and discussion platform used on many websites. This NDM can help security teams understand if this platform is being used on their network, and potentially identify any security risks associated with its usage.
What to Look For
When analyzing the results of the messaging_disqus event, the security team should look for any instances of Disqus traffic on the network. This may indicate that employees are accessing websites with Disqus functionality, which could potentially pose a risk if sensitive information is being discussed. Additionally, the team should investigate whether any endpoints have installed the Disqus application or plugin, which could indicate that employees are using the platform to communicate with others outside of traditional business channels. It is important to understand the extent of Disqus usage on the network, as well as any associated risks.
Updated 2 months ago