Search Blocklist (python3)

We've provided a Python3 script that you can utilize to fetch a list of srcips from the blocklist via the Netography REST API.

In the Netography portal, navigate to Account Settings > API Keys, and create an API Key.  The values from that page should be used to update the following in the script:

  • APPNAME # API Key Name
  • APPKEY # API Key Secret
  • SHARED_SECRET# Account Shared Secret (viewable on the API Keys page)
  • Additionally, update the SHORTNAME(visible on the Account Settings page)

Usage: Replace all CHANGEME values with the API values found in the listed portal steps above.

# Copyright (c) 2022 Netography, Inc. All rights reserved.
# A python script to fetch a list of configured IP Labels, using API Keys
# Requries pyjwt and requests:
# $ python3 -m pip install pyjwt requests
# Usage:
# $ python3

import jwt
import requests
import random
import time
import json
import os
from http.client import responses

#~~ BEGIN Configuration ~~~

# API Key Name
# API Key Secret
# Shortname
# API Shared Secret


# Construct the API Post Request
API_URL = API_BASE_URL + '/search/block'
  "start": -3600000,
  "end": 0,
  "search": "active == true",

# path/filename to cache the JWT auth token 
CACHE_FILE = '/tmp/neto-apiat'

# ~~ END Configuration

# Cache Bearer token and re-use if not expired
jwt_valid = False
access_token = None
if os.path.exists(CACHE_FILE):
  with open(CACHE_FILE) as f:
    cache_data = json.load(f)
  access_token = cache_data['access_token']
  expires_in = cache_data['expires_in']
  token_date = os.path.getmtime(CACHE_FILE)
  expire_timestamp = token_date + expires_in - 60 # account for some clock skew
  # print('JWT expires at ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+00:00 (UTC)", time.gmtime(expire_timestamp)) + "\n")

  if (time.time() <= expire_timestamp):
    jwt_valid = True

if not jwt_valid:
  # Generate the JWT request token
  payload = {
    'iat': int(time.time()),
    'jti': random.randint(0,10000000),
    'appname': APPNAME,
    'appkey': APPKEY,
    'shortname': SHORTNAME

  token = jwt.encode(payload, SHARED_SECRET, algorithm="HS256")

  # Create the HTTP POST request with a JSON payload containing the JWT request token
  body = {
    'jwt': token

      resp = + '/auth/token', json=body)
      data = resp.json()
      # print(data)
      if 'access_token' not in data:
        if 'message' in data:
          print(f"{str(resp.status_code)} {data['message']}.")
          print(f"{str(resp.status_code)} {responses[resp.status_code]}.  access_token not found in response")
        raise SystemExit(1)

      # print("bearer: %s" % (data['access_token']))
      access_token = data['access_token']
      with open(CACHE_FILE, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(data, f)
  except Exception as e:
      # print(str(e))
      print(f"{str(resp.status_code)} {responses[resp.status_code]}.  Verify your configuration parameters")
      raise SystemExit(1)

# Now have a valid Bearer Token, construct the API request
headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token

    resp =, headers=headers, json=API_POST_BODY)
    data = resp.json()
    # print(data)

    if 'data' not in data:
      print("data key not found in response data")
      raise SystemExit(1)

    if not data['data']:
      print("The response had no results")
      raise SystemExit(1)

    for row in data['data']:
except Exception as e:
    print('API Error: ' + str(e))
    raise SystemExit(1)


The script output is a list of srcips that are part of active blocks, separated by newlines.

For more information visit