Create a storage account
Access Azure Cloud Shell to run CLI commands from your web browser using az.
Create a Storage account in the same region as your Virtual Network.
- List your Virtual Networks, their Resource groups, and Regions.
az network vnet list --query "[].{Name:name, Region:location, ResourceGroup:resourceGroup, AddressSpace:addressSpace.addressPrefixes[0], ProvisioningState:provisioningState, SubscriptionId:id}" --output table
- Set some environment variables for the Resource Group, Region andVirtual Network you want to send flow from to make cutting and pasting the commands from the instructions in this document a little easier.
REGION= # Region of your Virtual Network, example: REGION=eastus
VNET= # The Virtual Network name, example: VNET=ProductionA1
RGRP= # The Resource Group of your Virtual Network, example: RGRP=PROD
- Create a Storage account in the same Region as your Virtual Network you want to add to Netography Fusion.
az storage account create \
--name <storage-account-name> \
--resource-group $RGRP \
--location $REGION> \
--sku Standard_LRS \
--kind StorageV2 \
--allow-shared-key-access true
Name | Choose any name for your storage account |
Resource group | Your Virtual Network Resource Group |
Location | Your Virtual Network Region |
Sku | Redundancy is set to locally redundant storage, Standard_LRS |
Kind | Standard general purpose, StorageV2 |
Allow-shared-key-access | Create an access key that allows Netography Fusion to create your flow logs, True |
- View your newly created Storage account.
az storage account list --query "[].{Name:name, ResourceGroup:resourceGroup}" --output table
Updated 5 months ago