Create a flow log

Access Azure Cloud Shell to run CLI commands from your web browser using az.

  1. Create a Flow Log to be read by Netography Fusion.
az network watcher flow-log create \
    --location $REGION> \
    --name <name> \
    --vnet $VNET \
    --resource-group $RGRP \
    --storage-account <storage-account-name> \
    --enabled true \
    --retention 1 \
    --traffic-analytics false \

NameChoose any name for your flow log
Resource groupYour Virtual Network Resource Group
VNetVirtual Network Name
LocationYour Virtual Network Region
Storage AccountStorage account name you created in the previous step
RetentionDays of storage retention, only 1 day is needed by Netography Fusion
Traffic AnalyticsFalse. Netography Fusion does not use Traffic Analytics.

  1. View your newly created Flow Log

You can scroll through your output using the left and right arrow keys, similar to using the horizontal scroll bar on a web browser.

az network watcher flow-log list --location $REGION --output table | less -S