Context Integration
You need a GCP service account to setup a context integration.
Follow the initial steps below to create one.
1. Create a GCP service account
- Go to the Service Accounts page
- Click Create Service Account and follow the steps in the wizard.
- Create a service account name; your service account ID email address will be auto-created for you.
- Click Select a role, use the Filter, type viewer into the filter, click Viewer to give this service account a Viewer role.
Leave the rest set as default.
2. Create your service account access keys and export a JSON file
The following steps will enable you to automate context configuration in Netography Fusion.
- Click : to access Actions for your newly created service account, then select Manage keys.
- Click the Add Key menu and select Create new key
- Choose JSON format. This will enable you to export a file that will automate context configuration in Netography Fusion and reduce setup to one step.
- The JSON file containing your private key will be auto-downloaded to your computer, delete this file once you're done with it.
3. Create a new Context Integration in Netography Fusion and upload your JSON file.
- In the Fusion portal, click the ⚙️ -> Settings -> Traffic Sources -> Context Integrations -> Add Integrations
- Select Google Cloud Provider
- Use the "IMPORT FROM JSON" button to import your JSON file you exported from GCP.
- Leave Zone blank to automatically include all zones.
- All fields will be auto-completed and your private key will be imported.
- Click Create and Run to save.
You're done!
Check Context Labels to verify your context integration is working as expected
Updated 3 months ago