netosecret is a base64 encoded JSON string containing Fusion API credentials
is an updated format for simplifying sharing API connection and authentication information with Netography Fusion API clients.
Previously, to authenticate to the Netography Fusion API required you copy 5 separate fields ((url, shortname, appname, sharedsecret, appkey). netosecret
is a base64 encoded JSON object containing these 5 key:values, so when you generate a new API key in the Fusion Portal, you only need to copy the 1 netosecret
string that it displays.
contains the appkey
and sharedsecret
in it, so it must also be treated as a secret and stored and shared securely
Decoding netosecret
Decode this string by copying it into the widget below (if you do not see the JSFiddle widget due to browser security restrictions, use one of the other methods on this page to decode it).
Sample netosecret
is a base64 encoded string of JSON containing 5 key:value pairs
is a base64 encoded string of JSON containing 5 key:value pairs{
"url": "",
"shortname": "myshortname",
"appname": "myappname",
"sharedsecret": "mysharedsecret",
"appkey": "myappkey"
is encoded, not encrypted
is encoded, not encryptednetosecret
is not encrypted. It is encoded. You can encode the separate fields into a netosecret
, and decode a netosecret
into its 5 separate fields in a few lines from a command line or any programming language.
does NOT replace a JWT request token
does NOT replace a JWT request tokenThe netosecret
is not passed to the API directly. It is decoded to retrieve the fields used to construct the JWT request token and send it to the right API endpoint.
Netography API clients will add support for netosecret
in upcoming releases
in upcoming releasesThe Fusion Portal will produce the netosecret
format when generating an API key, in addition to the existing fields, as of the August 2024 release. Netography components that use the API will be adding support for using this format in an upcoming release. They will continue to support using the individual fields, and your existing API keys will be unaffected.
Decoding netosecret
with base64
on Linux/Mac
with base64
on Linux/MacIf you generated an API key and received the netosecret
value ewogICJ1cmwiOiAiaHR0cHM6Ly9hcGkubmV0b2dyYXBoeS5jb20vYXBpL3YxIiwKICAic2hvcnRuYW1lIjogIm15c2hvcnRuYW1lIiwKICAiYXBwbmFtZSI6ICJteWFwcG5hbWUiLAogICJzaGFyZWRzZWNyZXQiOiAibXlzaGFyZWRzZWNyZXQiLAogICJhcHBrZXkiOiAibXlhcHBrZXkiCn0
You can pipe that value into base64 -d
on Linux or Mac to decode the base64 and see the JSON object.
echo $NETOSECRET|base64 -d
"url": "<">,
"shortname": "myshortname",
"appname": "myappname",
"sharedsecret": "mysharedsecret",
"appkey": "myappkey"
Decoding netosecret
with certutil
on WIndows
with certutil
on WIndowsOn Windows, if you saved the netosecret
to a file netosecret.txt
, you can run:
certutil -decode netosecret.txt netosecret-decoded.txt
- Python class and CLI for encoding/decoding
- Python class and CLI for encoding/
- bash shell script for encoding/decoding
- bash shell script for encoding/decoding