Edit a Widget


Once a dashboard exists, you can add and edit widgets.

Getting Here

To edit widgets embedded in a dashboard, use must first Edit the dashboard..

To reduce the risk of accidently editing a dashboard, you can use the Open option, instead of the Edit option described below.

Changes made to dashboards in edit mode take effect immediately. There is no SAVE button or UNDO option.

To edit a dashboard, use the following steps.

  1. From the main menu, navigate to Dashboards > All.
  2. Click the row options icon at the beginning of the row that includes the custom dashboard.
  3. Click Edit.
    At the top of the page, an unlock button displays, indicating the dashboard is in Edit mode. You can click this button to exit edit mode.

Blank Dashboard

If the dashboard doesn't have embedded widgets yet, the following message displays:

No widgets to display.
Add widget (link)

  1. Click Add widget.
  2. Complete form fields and options.

Widget Title

  • Name: Enter a name for the widget. This is a required field and will be displayed as the widget's title on the dashboard.
  • Description: Provide a brief description of the widget. This optional field can help clarify the purpose or content of the widget.


  • Widget Preview: A real-time preview of the widget is shown on the right side of the screen, updating as you configure the settings. This allows you to see how the widget will appear on the dashboard before saving it.


  • Category: Select the category that the widget's data belongs to. Categories include FLOW, DNS, TRAFFIC, EVENTS, BLOCKS, AUDIT LOGS, and OTHER.
  • Widget Type: Choose the type of widget you want to add. This defines the visual representation of the data. The available widget types include:
    • Area Chart: Displays data over time with filled areas under the line.
    • Bar Chart: Compares different categories or groups using rectangular bars.
    • Bar Chart Race: Animated bar chart that shows changes in data over time.
    • Custom Table: Displays data in a tabular format, customizable to specific needs.
    • Flows Map: Visualizes network flows on a geographic map.
    • Flows Table: Lists details about network flows in a table format.
    • Gauge Chart: Displays a single metric as a gauge, useful for showing progress or status.
    • Heatmap Chart: Represents data density or intensity using colors.
    • IP Explorer: Provides a detailed view of IP address information.
    • Line Chart: Displays data points connected by lines, useful for showing trends over time.
  • Metric: Specify the metric that the widget will display. This can be inherited from global settings or selected manually.
  • Size (Top): Set the size or aggregate function for the data displayed at the top of the widget.
  • NQL Mode:
    • Inherit: Use the NQL settings inherited from the global configuration.
    • Override: Override the global NQL settings with custom NQL for this widget.
    • Append: Append additional NQL to the inherited settings.
  • Stacked Graph: Toggle this option if you want the graph to be stacked, which can be useful for visualizing cumulative data.
  • Chart Color: Choose a color for the widget's graph or chart from the available palette.


  • Add Series: Click this button to add additional data series to the widget. Each series can have its own settings and visual style.


  • Date & Time: Select whether to inherit the date and time settings or customize them specifically for this widget.
  • Display Options:
    • Show Title: Toggle whether to display the widget title.
    • Show Metric: Toggle whether to display the metric name on the widget.
    • Show Legend: Toggle whether to show the legend, which helps identify different data series.
  • Legend Position: Choose the position of the legend (e.g., bottom, top, left, right).


  • Save: Click this button to save the widget and add it to the dashboard.
  • Cancel: Click this button to cancel the widget creation process and return to the dashboard without making changes.