Release notes 10/31/2022

The Netography Fusion portal now supports multiple labels and classes of labels. There is a new context aggregation switch present right under either the IP Labels and Port Labels tabs in the Labels screen.

New Features


Context labels

The aggregate switch is off by default. When turned on for IP Labels, the screen will sort by your created Context labels first and IP addresses second. The Port labels aggregate switch will sort by protocol first when enabled.

Multi-select is also now available on both the IP Labels and Port Labels screens. You have the option to sort by all, checked or unchecked in the drop down in the top right. When multiple IPs or ports are selected, you can update or delete/reset multiple at a time. This same behavior also happens when multiple context or protocols are selected.

There is also new visibility into the creator of a label context or protocol: custom, system, or customized system. In addition to the visibility, labels can now hide/unhide. This is for system labels that should not be visible throughout the portal, as they cannot be deleted.

New response integrations


Netography Fusion now offers CrowdStrike as a block type of response integration.

For more information, see theIntegrations - Response section.



  • Attack Surface: Added labels to IP addresses & ports
  • Labels: Added โ€˜Reset Customizationโ€™ Button
  • IP Explorer: Ability to search as srcip,dstipor both
  • Added syntax highlighting to NQL statements
  • Port Labels: Highlight custom contexts
  • Context Integrations: changed max updateinterval to 604800
  • Labels: added ability to hide/show labels
  • Flow Sources: can now check for New Devices that are sending flow, but are not configured
  • Added audit logs to all edit pages
  • Flow Sources: Secrets are now unretrievable - remove 'unmask' button
  • Added ability to bulk delete labels
  • IP Labels: Added ability to delete by IP(s)
  • IP Labels: Added ability to delete by ip/context pairs
  • IP Labels: Added ability to delete by context(s)
  • Port Labels: Added ability to delete by port(s)
  • Port Labels: Added ability to delete by port/protocol pairs
  • Port Labels: Added ability to delete by protocol(s)
  • Show 'new' identifier in TDM list
  • IP Labels: Highlight custom contexts
  • Flow Sources: added enable/disable toggles to table (vpcs)
  • Flow Sources: Can now show vpc last ingest
  • Labels: Highlighted system and customized system contexts
  • Audit Logs: allow datetimepicker to extend to 365 days regardless of data retention
  • IP Labels: Added ability to create multiple labels (by ip or context) at a time
  • Port Labels: Added ability to create multiple labels (by port or protocol) at a time

API Docs

  • IP Labels: new list APIs: by ip, context, or ip and context
  • IP Labels: new bulk delete API
  • IP Labels: new hide/expose/reset customization APIs
  • Port Labels: new list APIs: by port, protocol, or port and protocol
  • Port Labels: new bulk delete API
  • Port Labels: new hide/expose/reset customization APIs
  • Flow Sources: new Unknown Devices API
  • Flow Sources: new VPC Status API