Release notes 08/24/2023

In this latest release of Netography Fusion, we've introduced several notable improvements and fixes geared towards enhancing user experience and platform stability. Key features include significant enhancements to the user interface, specifically in how options are displayed and managed, as well as improvements to our SAML integration capabilities.

Additionally, we've made a series of refinements across various functionalities to ensure a more seamless and efficient workflow. Dive into the details below to explore all the updates in this release.

Highlighted features

In our upcoming release, we've focused on refining and expanding the user experience. Here are some of the highlighted features to anticipate:

  • Allow Lists: When viewing your Allowlists table, the values reflect your choice in the Display Labels dropdown from the Global Filters.
  • Widgets: For mobile/tablet screen viewing, widgets now require a double tap to move.
  • SAML Single Sign-On Settings : New button added to remove individual role mappers.
  • Attack Surface: Attack Surface had numerous bug fixes and in addition it can now show both External to Internal or Internal to External traffic:
    • Introduced a default additional NQL for a more nuanced analysis.
    • Upgraded visual representation with the switch to highcharts treegraph.
  • IP Explorer: UI clarity improvement - "Show titles" is renamed to "Auto hide labels".
  • SAML Form: For resellers, we've added the 'Allow Sub-Accounts to use this IAM' option.
  • Threshold Override: Introduced a convenient bulk remove feature.


  • For easier navigation, categories in NDMs are now displayed in alphabetical order.
  • Resolved issue where select lists displayed empty options when options were grouped.
  • Addressed duplicating options in select filters within tables.
  • Enhanced UI handling for long DM values in Block Details to prevent overrun.
  • Ensured that Custom Port Labels are visible in the Port Labels Screen.
  • Optimized profile menu dropdown to allow scrolling in limited vertical space scenarios.
  • Improved the UI appearance for disabled number fields.
  • Adjusted the Owner AS cell to properly handle cases when there's a number but no organization name.
  • Addressed the appearance of two alerts in the SSO user profile during masquerading.
  • Refined UI of the properties tray for records with wide labels.
  • Addressed data and line disappearance issues in Attack Surface.
  • Optimized Flow Map Widget to open properties pane upon label/IP click.
  • Enhanced sub-account view to display recent accounts and facilitate navigation back to a previous account.
  • Streamlined user interaction by making Track Values clickable, which now opens the properties tray.
  • Made necessary adjustments to ensure that detection models are editable.
  • Optimized Audit Logs for consistent loading and navigation.
  • Enhanced Flow Sources by enabling the downsample field for cloud providers.
  • Rectified an issue in NDM list that was incorrectly displaying CDMs.
  • Updated Flow Outages Beta description to correctly indicate its location under the NetOps section.
  • Resolved issue in Threshold Overrides where it attempted to fetch IP labels for non-IP track values.
  • Addressed visibility issues in Traffic Manager where left and top menus were not displaying.
  • Enhanced clarity in Detection Models' audit logs by differentiating between Network and Context.
  • Addressed errors encountered when fetching CVE data.
  • Optimized system preset expression to enhance accuracy for threshold nodata() function.

Additional changes

  • Fixed the Spiral Chart legend UI.
  • Rectified the IP Explorer's zoom functionality when the settings pane is open.
  • Addressed labeling inconsistencies in audit logs where newly created objects were marked as "Old".