Release notes 06/13/2023

New portal changes and enhancements have been added to Netography Fusion for the syslog integration and beta features introduced.

Highlighted features

  1. The syslog response integration now offers LEEF v1 and LEEF v2 as output options.
New syslog output options LEEFv1 and LEEFv2

New syslog output options LEEFv1 and LEEFv2

  1. The previous features under experimental have been renamed to "Beta Features". Each beta feature can be enabled individually in Account Settings.
New "Beta Features" tab in Account Settings

New "Beta Features" tab in Account Settings

  1. When a beta feature is enabled, it will appear in the left hand portal menu labeled with a BETA indication:


  1. The option to synchronize graphs has been moved from the dashboard settings and made available as a UI option when viewing the dashboard.
Cursor hover on

Cursor hover on

Cursor hover off

Cursor hover off

  1. Users can now opt to have a widget inherit the metric value from the global filter in the Portal
  1. Single value charts now have a flag background slider option for additional customization

Additional Changes

  • Whitelists have now been renamed to Allow Lists